The Electron Lasso Blues

A quick search of GitHub for projects that use Electron, Marko and Lasso revealed that ours was the only repo. Another search for just Electron and Lasso got us excited as it revealed one more project that we quickly cloned down and played with. Turns out the Lasso that was used was something completely different and not the Lasso from eBay we are trying to use. We figured we may be the first people trying to build an Electron app using Marko / Lasso. It’s unclear. If anyone knows of any projects that exist, please comment them!
Two days into our Electron project we had a fun, simple concept. We were using Marko, we were using Lasso, things were building and working. Unfortunately as soon as we started actually building our app using the standard Electron main.js and renderer.js and tried passing things around, we ran into fs
issues. Turns out it’s not actually a Lasso issue. The same thing happened with Webpack. Fortunately Webpack has a fix, documented here: Webpack Targets. As far as we can tell, nothing similar exists for Lasso at this point, so Webpack it is for now.
We do have new issues with Webpack, but hopeully we’ll be able to work through them so we can continue building our app.
Image taken from the official Lasso npm site.